Later this month, the state Liquor and Cannabis Board is expected to rule on Everett's "Alcohol Impact Areas." If enacted, the sale of certain, cheap alcoholic beverages will be limited in certain parts of the city.
As reports, Alcohol Impact Areas have been created in municipalities all around Washington, including in Olympia, Seattle, and Spokane. They are usually enforced on a voluntary basis and are aimed at curtailing vagrancy, nuisances, and addiction issues in communities.
If the Liquor and Cannabis Board does rule in favor of the issue, though, the restrictions would be mandatory. A decision is expected to be announced on August 24.
Understanding "Alcohol Impact Areas"
Alcohol Impact Areas were created in May 2015 to help curtail instances of public drinking, public disturbances, and even littering. By December of that year, however, it was determined that the voluntary basis of the initiative wasn't working and police requested the option of a mandatory ban from the Liquor and Cannabis Board. That kind of mandatory ban is now what is being considered for Everett.
The measure zeroes in on beverages that have been associated with public drinking and homelessness. These include Mike's Hard Lemonade, Colt 45, Steel Reserve, and other popular, low-cost malt beverages. While Alcohol Impact Areas have proven unpopular with retailers, officials believe that they could be part of larger plan to relieve communities of pronounced homelessness issues. "To my way of thinking, this problem is not just a one-dimensional problem, it incorporates so many different facets," said Ryan Dalberg, leader of the impact initiative. "We just have to approach it this way."
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